Erstes Gebäude der Schule 1978
First building of the school in 1978
Kathrine und Bill Pearce, Tom Maier und Leo Engeler Dezember 1980
Kathrine and Bill Pearce, Tom Maier and Leo Engeler in December1980
  • 1976: First investigations into the location of the school by Fr Karl Hartl WV, Fr Peter Isingoma, Fr Charles Nkende, Br Max Gmür WV
  • 1977: First infrastructure is built: Accommodation and workshop
  • 1978
    • Spring → The first volunteers arrive in Munteme: Bill and Kath Pearce from VMM Great Britain: Draftsman and teacher. Responsible for planning, building and running the school.
    • After a few months, the volunteers move to Hoima and work for the diocese in the building department.
    • Chrisostom Katahoire becomes Head Master of the school and trains the first 7 apprentices in carpentry and woodwork.
First fields for self-sufficiency
Erster Ausbildungsgang an der Teco mit Instruktoren und Pater Karl Hartl WV 1980
First training course at Teco with instructors and Father Karl Hartl WV 1980
Wasserquelle für die Schule 1981
Wasserquelle für die Schule 1981
  • 1980: seven apprentice carpenters are admitted
    • December: construction of a house for teachers begins
  • 1981
    • June: Thomas Maier, car mechanic, (Interteam CH) joins the school. Repairs, extensions and restructuring are started.
    • First agricultural activities with the students for self-sufficiency are started.
    • August: Leo Engeler, carpenter, (Interteam CH) comes to the school. New project description, plans and applications for funding are drawn up.
    • September: Thomas Maier and Leo Engeler travel to Europe in order to obtain equipment and money as well as to place financing requests with aid organisations. Reconstruction of Unimog for parish and Teco.
Aufbau der Hallenkonstruktion mit den Lehrlingen 1982
Building the hall construction with the apprentices 1982
  • 1982
    • February: Return of Tomas Maier and Leo Engeler. Start of the construction phase of the school. Farming (field cultivation for self-sufficiency) is introduced as a daily activity: 2.5 hrs early in the morning, Monday to Saturday.
    • 1982, March: Construction of the metal workshop begins.
    • 1982, April: twelve apprentices in carpentry workshop
    • 1982: Further construction of the teacher’s house
  • 1983
    • Difficult conditions for material procurement and transport due to the civil war.
    • Start of construction of groundwater well for own water supply.
    • Extension of the provisional carpentry workshop and weather- and pest-proof.
    • Temporary storage with sea freight containers.
    • April: twelve apprentice carpenters.
    • Local staff housing is built
Gescheiterter Versuch einer Backsteinproduktion in der Nähe, 1984
Failed attempt at brick production nearby, 1984
Lehrlinge erstelllen die Hallenkonstruktion 1984
Apprentices build the hall construction 1984
  • 1984
    • April: Metal workshop is completed and put into operation.
    • Five apprentices in metalworking and mechanics.
    • 15 apprentice carpenters.
    • April: Herbert Wiederkehr, carpenter (Interteam) joins the school.
    • Completion of the first staff house for the volunteers (previously caravans).
    • Agricultural area is doubled.
    • October: Jost Eggenschwiler, mechanic (Interteam) joins the school.
    • Start of construction of the carpentry workshop
    • December: Tomas Maier leaves Teco.
    • Start of construction for the office and schoolroom building.
    • First trials with tree nursery for native tree species.
Während dem Graben muss das Wasser ständig abgepumpt werden
During digging, the water must be constantly pumped out.
  • 1985
    • March: 16 apprentices metal, 18 apprentices carpentry.
    • July: Obote is overthrown by Okello (his army chief).
    • NRA rebels conquer ever larger areas of the country from the west and south.
    • Expansion of the agriculturally cultivated area.
    • Completion and inauguration of the groundwater well (24 m deep).
    • Sand washing facility in the Itohya valley.
    • Various external attempts and failures to produce bricks for construction projects.
    • Eucalyptus plantation is established as boundary demarcation.
    • Two more Local Staff houses are started.
    • The civil war front moves into the vicinity; very difficult school activities and at times cut off from supplies and contacts; fortunately no casualties!
    • December: Discovery of a clay deposit in the Itohya valley (near the sand washing plant) and first successful attempts at brick making.
Schulzimmer und Büro
Classroom and office
  • 1986
    • 26 January: A new era begins in Uganda with Museveni’s NRA coming to power: Peace at last in most of the country, people are motivated to rebuild! No more roadblocks and other war-related harassment.
    • March: Rudi Zumbrunn, carpenter, (Interteam) comes to Teco.
    • 21 apprentice carpenter 15 metal apprentices.
    • May: Start of construction of another house for volunteers.
    • Construction of visitor cottage.
    • Construction of tool shed and food storage for agriculture.
    • Start of brick production in Itohya Valley.
    • Start of clarifications for leasing and securitisation of the Itohya forest for the school.
    • Carpentry workshop is completed.
    • School and office building is completed.
    • Extension of metal workshop with storage and blacksmith workshop.
    • Jerome Bahia is hired as apprentice supervisor.
    • November: Leo Engeler leaves Teco.
  • 1987
    • Expansion of agriculture.
    • Graziella Link, educator, weaver and farmer(Interteam CH) comes to Teco.
    • 15 Metal apprentice 18 Apprentice carpentry.
    • April: Herbert Wiederkehr leaves Teco
Bamboo plantation
  • 1988
    • 16 apprentices in carpentry
    • 10 apprentice in metal work
    • April: Jost Eggenschwiler leaves Teco.
    • Commitment for leasing and securitisation of Itohya Forest and Teco land: 540 ha
    • November: Leo Engeler joins Teco.
    • Brickmaking course 6 months with 8 apprentices
    • Expansion of brickworks.
    • Michael Henselmann mechanic (AGEH Germany) comes to Teco.
    • Extension for the tailoring and housekeeping departments.
Maty und Herbert Wiederkehr-Bbosa, Michael Henselmann und Christina Wacker (hinten), Estehr und Fredi Krauer mit Manuel und ..., Leo Engeler, Chnuschti, der Wachhund, Fehlt: Rudi Zumbrunn
Mary and Herbert Wiederkehr-Bbosa, Michael Henselmann and Christina Wacker (back), Estehr and Fredi Krauer with Fabian and Jonas, Leo Engeler, Chnuschti, the watchdog, Not in photo: Rudi Zumbrunn
  • 1989
    • March: Completion of 2nd staff house for volunteers.
    • Bamboo and other eucalyptus plantations are established next to the brick factory.
    • April: Fredi (mechanic) and Esther Krauer with Fabian and Jonas come to Teco
    • Rudi Zumbrunn leaves Teco
    • May: Herbert (carpenter) and Mary (handicraft and home economics) Wiederkehr Bbosa come to Teco.
    • 8 apprentices (girls) tailoring and home economics
    • 12 Metal apprentice 23 Apprentice carpentry.
    • Surveying and surveying of the Teco lands and the Itohya Forest.
    • October: Leo Engeler leaves Teco.
    • November: Michael Henselmann leaves Teco.
  • 1990
    • 12 Metal apprentice
    • 24 apprentice carpenters
    • 12 apprentices tailoring and housekeeping
    • Construction of accommodation for girls.
    • Construction of a fence around the school grounds.
  • 1991
    • 12 apprentice metalworkers
    • 22 apprentice carpentry
    • 11 apprentices tailoring and home economics
    • Construction of pigsty and fish pond.
  • 1992
    • Christoph (carpenter) and Ellen (housekeeper) Lanz with Aaron and Anna (Interteam) come to Teco.
    • Peter Leu, master plumber, (Interteam) comes to Teco.
    • Fredi and Esther Krauer and children leave Teco.
    • Herbert and Mary Wiederkehr leave the school
    • 12 Metal apprentices
    • 24 apprentices carpentry
    • 12 apprentices in tailoring and housekeeping
  • 1993
    • 12 Metal apprentices
    • 21 carpentry apprentices
    • 12 apprentices tailoring and home economics
    • Construction of new apprentice accommodation.
    • Construction of new staff houses for teachers.
    • Completion of new timber store.
    • Completion of material depot / workshop and staff accommodation in the brick section.
Jerome Bahia mit Ehefrau, Lerhlingsbetreuer seit 1986
Jerome Bahia with wife, apprenticeship supervisor since 1986
  • 1994
    • 9 apprentice metal
    • 21 apprentice carpenters
    • 11 apprentice tailoring and housekeeping
    • Interteam terminates staff support for the school at the end of the current volunteer contracts.
    • Attempt to organise an extension of the handover process with other NGOs, unfortunately without success.
    • Mr. Bahya and the instructors are trained as responsible persons. They participate in team meetings and decisions are made democratically. They are prepared to lead and manage the school independently. We are increasingly stepping down from our leadership positions and coaching the staff in their new roles and responsibilities.
    • Jerome Bahya becomes Principal of Teco.
    • Fred Nsekantio takes over as head of the carpentry workshop.
    • Ajileo Bwalisiima takes over as Metal Shop Manager.
    • Loy Zerezire takes over as head of the tailoring and housekeeping workshop.
    • Construction of a new dining hall and kitchen for pupils.
    • Construction of new water tank for Staffhaus teachers.
    • Installation and roofing of material container for the tailor shop.
    • Construction of new kitchen Staffhaus 1 (volunteers).
  • 1995
    • 9 apprentices metal
    • 21 apprentice carpenters
    • 11 apprentices in tailoring and housekeeping
    • February: Peter Leu leaves Teco.
    • March: Christoph and Ellen Lanz and children leave Teco.
    • March: Nigel Watson England (VSO) takes over administrative support for Teco.
  • 1996
    • Nigel Watson leaves Teco unexpectedly.
  • 2000
    • November: Jerome Bahya is dismissed with immediate effect.
  • 2001
    • January: Alexander Langol becomes interim principal.
    • April: Alexander Langol drops out due to illness.
    • Raphael Eribankya becomes new acting principal.
  • 2002
    • Unclear conditions at the school; communication is practically non-existent.
  • 2003
    • New course “Brickwork and Concrete Practice” is established and a workshop is built for it; financed by a German aid programme (KFW via Rudi Lenherz).
    • Cooperation with St Simon Peter in Hoima in this matter (Fr Deo Zziwa is the new Principal there).
  • 2005
    • SDW terminates its guarantee after 20 years.
  • 2009
    • First Memorandum of Understanding between CSWCT (Chimpanzee Sanctuary and Wildlife Conservation Trust, Entebbe) and Teco on the protection of the Itohya Forest and the chimpanzees living there.
  • 2010
    • December: Christoph and Ellen Lanz as well as Elisabeth Spahr and Leo Engeler visit the Teco on the occasion of a meeting with several former students. They complain about the poor condition of the school and ask us for support to revitalise it.
    • Major clearings have been made in the timber plantations.
    • In the Itohya forest, many large trees have been illegally felled.
    • However, thanks to the conscientious efforts of Seezi Mugisa, the forest area has still been preserved and deforestation prevented – However, most of the adjacent forest areas have already been cleared.
    • See also the report of the visit.
  • 2011
    • January: Florian Schreier and Leo Engeler visit the Teco and several exponents of the diocese to find out more details about the reasons for the relatively poor condition of the institution.
    • Various attempts are made to influence the current prizipal to return the school to its original task of education.
    • A new Board of Governors is appointed by the Bishop.
  • 2012
    • March: Meeting with Fr Peter Isingoma to discuss the situation and find solutions to improve the situation at Teco.
    • Release of the Principal Raphael Eribankya and all staff.
    • After careful consideration, some of the staff will be reinstated.
    • Fr Julius from the parish is appointed as interim headmaster.
    • June: Fr Deo Zziwa is elected as the new headmaster
    • September: Fr Deo Zziwa begins rebuilding the school and reorganising the administration.
    • There are about 57 apprentices at Teco, in the courses metalworking, car mechanics, carpentry, bricklaying and home economics. The courses vary in duration and qualification.
    • CSWCT arranges a substantial compensation payment for the conservation of the Itohya forest.
  • 2013
    • March: Jost Eggenschwiler and Leo Engeler visit Teco and several representatives of the school as well as some of the former apprentices.
    • April: The “Friends of Teco” association is founded.
    • Three additional teachers’ salaries are financed by the Friends of Teco.
  • 2014
    • Jost and Leo meet with Fr Peter Isingoma in Frankfurt to discuss the Teco’s pending issues.
    • Friends of Teco continue to support the teachers’ salaries within the current framework.